Dedicated Software Development Team

A Great Deal of FlexibilityOur delivery is based in Eastern Europe, allowing for at least several hours of time overlap. When you require closer collaboration, our dedicated team will operate onshore. Our on-demand product teams include developers and product owners with extensive backgrounds in UX/UI and graphic design principles. You can trust our self-sufficient team to solve real business problems rather than simply doing development grunt work. You should set up regular meetings with the dedicated team to discuss project progress and address any concerns.

dedicated development team

This is where you connect the app’s goals to your company’s goals, such as increasing revenue or increasing brand awareness. We always inform you about updates and send reports on what has been done, so you can easily keep track of the dedicated developers’ work. All questions and doubts can be considered to gain proper results at the end of the project. During the work process of your project, our development team can clearly explain certain aspects of the process, which will allow you to become more aware of the overall development.


We are satisfied with our cooperation with ScienceSoft and their skilled development team, which smoothly fit into our project. For the second year in a row, ScienceSoft USA Corporation ranks among 500 American companies with the highest revenue growth. This achievement is the result of our unfailing commitment to provide high-quality IT services and create best-value solutions that meet and even exceed our clients’ expectations. Additionally, many European countries, including Poland, have a highly educated and skilled workforce with strong technical expertise. As a result, European developers are able to provide high-quality work at a lower cost than their counterparts in the US.

All you need is someone who understands how to navigate those international waters to get you aligned with a team that feels like your home away from home. Specialized websites like Clutch, IT Firms, or GoodFirms can be helpful here. These websites serve as outstanding data aggregators related to software development vendors across the globe. DevOps engineers determine the appropriate tools, setting processes, and code flow automation.

Uptech is top-rated app development company

At Intelvision, we offer full-cycle web development services focusing on performance and security. It is crucial as you have to choose the most reliable and experienced one. The remote team should be able to take any type of project and finish it within stated deadlines. So, before you write to anyone, check the company’s ranking in the search engine. If you find the company on the first two pages, it means that they work on SEO thus are interested in cooperation.

dedicated development team

Plus, the vendor’s fee for administrative, overhead, and infrastructure expenses. The total cost of your project depends on the duration and scope. Learn more about a process hire cloud development firm of planning, designing, building, testing, and managing software with the help of two or more decentralized teams located in entirely different physical locations.

Outsourced Team Model

When dealing with projects that have unclear requirements or those that require a discovery phase, a dedicated team model can be exceptionally beneficial. This approach allows for an iterative process and provides more wiggle-room for a team to tackle features with larger variances for development, without blowing through the client’s budget. While an in-house team can provide benefits such as company culture and proximity to the project, hiring a dedicated team offers several advantages as well.

dedicated development team

Intelvision is a quickly-growing innovative software company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with development centers in Eastern Europe. It helps you constantly stay tuned for your project and manage the process. Our team gets down to work only after we have agreed on the rates and deadlines as well as the engineers’ level and stack.

Your dedicated team, your tech stack

This allows businesses the opportunity to hire a dedicated development team from anywhere in the world. An important point to know is which countries are the best for outsourcing their development. A dedicated development team brings the benefits of nearshoring to your company. You choose a team of software development experts who will work exclusively for your company but will be hired by an external company, like Inspeerity.

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Web750, Inc – Introduces New and Revamped Dedicated Hosting Solutions to Meet Industry Demands.

Posted: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 20:00:00 GMT [source]

Invest in team-building by facilitation of healthy work culture and fostering strong ties with your virtual development team. This capital can be then utilized in enhancing in-house competencies in an area that can contribute to your business growth. After completing the first sprint, we moved to the technical side on how to make it scalable from the very first line of code. We aimed to create stand-alone iOS and Android versions and used Swift, Kotlin, and Ruby for that. You outline what exactly you want, and we help you specify your business goals.

Technologies & Frameworks Our Dedicated Teams Are Skilled In

At the same time, you should not view the dedicated development team as a third-party working for your organization. Instead, look at them as an extension of your on-premise staff to be able to fully engage with them. A dedicated team is a reasonable choice if your project is designed to stay in continuous production to come and is planned to expand in the future.

  • But such vendors usually offer the top efficiency that could hardly be reached with the in-house workforce.
  • Secondly, the time zone difference between Europe and the US is relatively small, which can make communication and collaboration easier.
  • For example, if you are based in the US and looking to hire a dedicated development team based in India, these factors can greatly affect the outcome of the project.
  • What makes Ukraine an attractive outsourcing destination is the affordable software development cost.
  • Put simply, a dedicated development team is like a lego transformer that can be adapted and rebuilt to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget.
  • In contrast, a dedicated team’s PM can quickly find an adequate replacement for any developer who has dropped off for some reason.

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